Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What a Big Week!!!

This week Maddox did not hit us with one surprise, but with 2. He has figured out how to move both his arms and legs in sync and the floor, and is crawling like a madman. He is constantly on a mission to chase the dogs and play with their toys. We cannot turn our backs for a second now, or else he will be down the hall and getting into things he shouldn't. Before you know it he is going to be running after the dogs...

Not only was the crawling a surprise, when Maddox went to stick Jenn's finger in his mouth, she felt something sharp and was startled. We pulled down his lower lip and what do you know he had a bright shiny white tooth. A couple of days later another tooth poked through and is starting to grow in.....Jenn is not too thrilled because of the obvious fear of his feedings.

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