Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hey Hey It's My Birthday!!!

Yeah that's right I am officially 1 month old today. It is hard to believe that it has been 4 weeks since Maddox was born..... The time has been flying by and he is changing so rapidly. We had our 1 month checkup today and our little man is getting huge. He weighed in at 10lbs. 4oz. and grew an inch measuring 22 1/4. He is becoming such a social baby and is starting to coo and make little baby sounds. Each day he spends time on his tummy and holds his head up pretty regularly and takes in all of his surroundings. We have not had any problems with him sleeping through the night and I think we have the routine down (Mom and Dad are crossing our fingers at least).

Monday, April 28, 2008

I want food NOW!!!

Somebody is a little demanding.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Getting Bigger....

We are all doing well and can't wait to see how much Maddox has grown when we go to the doctor later this week. We are finding out very quickly that having larger size clothing on hand is a good thing.....

Still loving his bath time

Maddox getting his practice sunbathing for when we go and visit sunny San Diego again....

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hanging out with Mom

Maddox was able to spend a couple of days with just Mom while Dad had to go into work for some training. By the looks of it they had a great time......

Monday, April 21, 2008


Maddox thinks that since he is now 3 weeks old he can have a motorcycle. Dad agrees.......

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Big Day

Today we embarked on our first adventure away from home (besides going to the mall). We drove for about an hour and attended the 50th Wedding Anniversary party for Aunt Barb and Swede in Marshalltown, Iowa. Maddox was so alert and was taking in all of the sights and sounds of the party. He got to meet a lot of Dad's relatives (so did Mom) and he did not seem bothered at all by the attention. Best of all, he slept in the car both to and from the event!!

Maddox getting to meet Great-Grandma Jean (Mike's Grandma Smith) for the first time.


This was a great invention. After finally figuring out how to use this sling, Maddox fell asleep right away.

Is there any doubt who my favorite football team is??

I've Got Skills

When the auditions come around for a remake of "Thriller", Maddox will be ready.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Trip to the Doc for our 2 week check-up

We had our 2 week check-up at the doctor today and Maddox is doing GREAT. He weighed in at 9lb. 4oz. and grew about a half an inch!! He is back over his birth weight and he is where he needs to be on the growth charts. Good news considering all of the issues we had in the hospital with him losing so much weight so quickly.

Hopefully this is a good sign for when we want to travel.....

Thanks to Dad's friend Mitch for the comfy Bears blanket!!! For those that know Mitch, he did turn into Martha Stewart and made the blanket (please try not to fall out of your chair).

Someone else likes the rocker...

We thought that the cat (Rolland) was hiding from us when he wasn't in his usual location on the window ledge. After a few minutes of searching, we found him snuggled up in the baby rocker. Now we have 2 people fighting over who gets dibs on the chair!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Visitors

Maddox was visited today by his Great Grandma and Grandpa Smith (Jenn's Grandparents). Yep that's right, Jenn has a Grandma and Grandpa Smith too. That does not make us blood relatives........believe us we have checked.

Yeah That's Right.....I'm 2 Weeks Old!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Moms Got the Touch


General term used to describe a child mullet. In traditional Mullet terms, A mullet is a hairstyle that is short in the front, top, and sides, but long in the back (also referred to by a number of other names, some regional, including hockey hair, ten ninety, millennium mullet, helmet hair, coupe Longueuil, etc.). It is also described as "business in the front, party in the back." The hairstyle was popular during the late 20th Century, from the early 1970s to the early 1990s.

Maddox is well on his way to bringing the once popular hairstyle back into the mainstream.

Just think, by age 1 Maddox could reach this goal.......

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cubs or White Sox??

"Come on Dad that's a really hard question"

Monday, April 7, 2008

Is this Waterboarding??

You wouldn't actually know it by looking at this picture, but Maddox actually loves his bath time. He did not like the initial shock of the water, but he calmed down suprisingly fast and did not cry at all.

Buying Stock in Laundry Detergent...

Maddox is working on destroying outfit #4 of the day.......

How is it that as soon as you put on 1 outfit, Maddox decides to have fun and either pee out the top of his diaper, or produce a yellow/brown substance that leaks out of the diaper and into everything he is wearing?? Mom and Dad are getting to be pros at the outfit changing business, working on outfit #6 in a 24 hour period.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Adjusting to Home..

After 1 day at home with Maddox, I think we are all adjusting to life outside of the hospital. Maddox has been sleeping and eating well and Mom and Dad are getting as many naps as possible. The other members of the family (Mya, Phoebe and Rolland) are little protectors of Maddox and do not seem to be bothered by him at all.

We want to thank everyone who provided support to us while we were in the hospital. It was a rough ride, but everyone's words of encouragement made it easier to get through. Thanks!! It meant a lot to all of us.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

We're Finally Home!!!

Yeah!! After a week in the hospital Maddox has broken his fever and is doing very well. They released him from the hospital today and we are starting our new adventures at home.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Photos from the hospital (Part 3)

Maddox and Grandma Smith and Grandma Kriegermeier

Maddox and Grandpa Smith

Maddox and Grandpa Kriegermeier

Photos from the hospital (Part 2)

Maddox and Uncle Brett (Mike's Brother)

Maddox and Uncle Nathan (Jenn's Brother)

Look Ma No Hands!!!!

Someone not happy with his first bath!!

Photos from our stay in the hospital

Maddox just minutes old.......

Mike and Maddox heading to meet Grandma and Grandpa Smith before going to the recovery room to be with mom.

Maddox and Jenn cuddling.

Maddox in his onesie that converts into his jujitsu uniform...

Maddox waiting to get his hospital pictures taken. He must be like his Daddy because he doesn't like his picture taken either.

Maddox and Mom Update

Just to let everyone know, Maddox and Jenn are still in the hospital. On Wednesday as we were preparing to go home, we discovered that Maddox had come down with a fever. The doctors are administering antibiotics just to make sure there are no infections and to get his temperature down. He is a big eater and sure is one strong little guy.....Hopefully we will be able to go home early on Saturday morning.

Jenn and I want to thank everyone for all of the words of encouragement and congratulations. It really means a lot to us and has gotten us through some tough moments.