Monday, October 29, 2007

And it's a.......

BOY!!!!! We had our second ultrasound today and they were able to determine that we will be having a baby boy. This ultrasound was very difficult to see, and the baby was moving around like crazy (Jenn did admit to having a little glass of caffeine, so that would explain it). It was pretty cool seeing his developed bones and face, and of course when he showed us the goods. At one point the sonographers started laughing and said he was grabbing his butt (like father like son). Overall, we are REALLY excited and the baby and mom are doing well.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Growing and Growing and Growing......

Jenn is in her 16th week, and we have entered into the world of maternity clothes. We want to thank our friends and family for sending us boxes of clothing, since there aren't many stores in the Iowa City area that sell maternity items.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Another Good Check-Up......

We went to the doctor today and had our monthly check-up. The doctor told us everything is looking good and the baby is growing at a very rapid pace. Apparently the baby is now the size of an avocado (about 4 1/2 inches long from the top of the head to its butt). We again heard the heartbeat and it is ticking away at an amazing 150 beats a minute.
It is about time for us to find out the sex of the baby and we are getting really anxious. I am looking forward to getting the baby's room ready, and I have already made an important decision: if it is a baby girl, the room will not be pink :)