Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Maddox's reaction to the Baby News:

Much to our surprise, our little guy seems to be understanding that we are having a baby. He is doing some really cute things like lifting up Jenns shirt and pointing to her belly. When we have been around babies, he is curious but also so caring, and there is no doubt that he is going to be a great Big Brother. Here are some of our favorite things that he has said about our new baby:

-"Hi baby!!" (while lifting up Jenn's shirt)
-"SSSHH the babies sleeping"
-"The baby is swimming underwater too" (while we were at swimming lessons)
- Mom: "Maddox are you going to have a brother or sister?" Maddox: "A Baby"

Sure these are cute, but the cutest thing that Maddox does is kiss Jenn's belly and says "Goodnight Baby" in a soft whisper.

Its getting BIGGER!!!!!!!!

We've been slacking the past few weeks, but we wanted to make sure that everyone knew we where pregnant. There's no hiding it now!!!! 17 weeks and counting.

Happy Birthday Dad!!

Thanks Momma and Maddox for giving me a great birthday!!! I had a blast during the baseball game, and the cake wasn't too bad either!!

Too Cute!!

Date #2

Maddox and Piper continue to hit it off and things are looking pretty good. Date #2 involved spending the day at the zoo and frolicking with the animals!!


As many of you have already heard, we are expecting Baby #2 on Christmas Day!!! We are super excited, thus the reason for the move to a bigger house. Be on the lookout for updated posts on our progress!!