Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Beer and Doughnuts = The Perfect Breakfast
We travelled to Madison for the Iowa vs. Wisconsin football game and met up with the Gulyas and Martins. The Hawkeyes pulled out the victory over the Badgers, and Dad pulled out the victory over the Wisconsin Malt Beverage Companies....(so he's been told).

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The month of September starts a very important time of the year for the Smith Family: IOWA FOOTBALL. This year as always, Mike has to work the football games, but Jenn is able to go to a few of the games with Grandpa Smith and other friends. Maddox was able to experience his first game ever, and he did outstanding. He even made it through the whole game....Let's cheer on the Hawkeyes!!!!

Maddox cheering for the Hawks with Grandpa Smith.

Maddox in the stands of Kinnick with Mom..

Saying Hi to Dad before going into the game.
Maddox cheering for the Hawks with Grandpa Smith.
Maddox in the stands of Kinnick with Mom..
Saying Hi to Dad before going into the game.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Enjoying our Day OFF!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Iowa State Fair 2009
The Fam headed west to Des Moines over the weekend to go to the Iowa State Fair. This was a first for both Mom and Maddox, and Dad hadn't been to the fair in probably 20 years. As always, the day of the fair was extremely hot and muggy and the smell of the hog barn (along with the funnel cakes) was filling the air. Overall it was a good day and everyone including Grandma and Grandpa Smith enjoyed themselves.
"Not the SHIRT!!"
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Happy Camper...
We ventured out and went on our first camping trip with the Gulya's in Rome, Wisconsin. We were very surprised that Maddox did well being outside for 14+ hours a day, but what kid wouldn't? He did not sleep too well the first night (even though we were in an air conditioned camper), but he got over it and slept good the second night.
We even were able to get Maddox on a boat for the first time. He really doesn't like the wind blowing in his face, but other than that he enjoyed himself....and so did the dog.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Happy 4th of July!!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Our Trip to CHITOWN!!
We chose to be adventurous and headed to Chicago for a long weekend. Eventhough it took us nearly 6 hours to get to town (usually takes 3 1/2), it was well worth the trip. We were able to stay with the Pludemans and visit with their adorable son Daniel, and got to catch some of the sights of Chicago. As soon as we got to town we parked the car and made a bee line to the Shedd Aquarium. Maddox wasn't really sure what to think about the big tanks of fish, but by the end of the day he had his face smashed up against the glass nose to nose with the sharks.
From the aquarium it was time to get something to eat, so we headed across the street to the Taste of Chicago. Dad was depressed that he couldn't see Emeril Live, but he enjoyed all of the people watching all the same. It was amazing seeing all of the different walks of life at the event (some should have looked in the mirror before they left the house). We played it safe with the food and had to sample the deep dish Chicago style pizza. Yum!!!
On Saturday the family packed up and headed to the Cubs/White Sox game at US Cellular Field. It was a scorcher that day, but we took plenty of ice cream breaks to keep cool. Maddox loved the baseball game and everyone sitting around us loved him. He was cheering when everyone else was cheering and even manipulated our neighbors out of nacho chips. Ridiculous!!! The White Sox ended up squeking out the win 8-7.
All in all it was a great trip......

"Mom did you see that??"
Friday, June 26, 2009
Can you say Creepy???

One morning this week Maddox woke up from the overnight with a dry diaper. Jenn and I said what the hey, and put Maddox on his toy potty to see what he would do. Voila!!!, he peed like he had been doing it for years. He is only 15 months old!! He definitely understands the concept of using the toilet and goes in it everyday now....
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Overcoming our fear of water......
We were trying to be good parents when we signed up Maddox for swim lessons, but we quickly realized that you can't just throw your child into the water and expect them to swim. On our first night of lessons, Maddox was completely terrified of the water and screamed the entire 30 minutes in the pool. Nothing would calm him down, and we seriously thought this was a bad idea. We refused to give in to the pressure and took him back to the pool 2 days later. The screaming only lasted about 10 minutes. I guess that practice and repetition makes perfect because by the 6th lesson, Dad, Mom and Maddox were going completely under water with no screaming!!! YAY!!

The next Michael Phelps in the making (minus the bong)
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A Visit from the Gulya's
This past weekend we had a great visit from the Gulya's (friends from Wisconsin). We miss being able to spend time with them and it was a good time seeing the twins, Hayden and Donovan. Jenn and I realized that we have it very easy with only one child. Our hats go off to Kyle and Melissa for having to try and corral two toddlers. I am getting exhausted just thinking about it!!
Again thanks for a great visit.

Maddox and Hayden chillin again...look closely at the background and you can see the blow up Drag Queen. There just happened to be a "Pride" parade going on at the time.
Maddox and the twins (and Melissa) preparing to go shopping at the Children's Museum.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Dancin Machine
Thursday, June 11, 2009
We're Lovin Kindermusik
For the last 14 weeks or so, Maddox has been attending Kindermusik. He just absolutely loves going and has to be the center of attention (as you can see). When we sit in a circle, he goes around to all of the other kids and says hi, and then goes to the middle and busts out the latest MC Hammer moves. It is hilarious....
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
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