If you have been watching the news lately, you have seen the devastating floods in the Iowa City and
Coralville area. The University of Iowa where both Jenn and I work continues to be under water, and our favorite restaurants are destroyed. Since we live on a hill we were not affected by the flood waters, but our lives and daily routines have been drastically changed. There are only 2 roads in and out of the Iowa City area, and what once took 10 minutes to get to work, now takes 45 to an hour. I was called in to work on multiple occasions to help with the flood efforts, and Jenn is currently displaced until the power is turned back on. Jenn's office did not take on any water, but it was only about 25 yards from suffering the same fate as so many other buildings.
It will be a long time before the Iowa City/
Coralville area is put back together, but as we saw by thousands of volunteers, this community will come back and be stronger than ever.